Thursday, July 7, 2011

Policies for People Like Me

This morning as I was driving back to Stillwater (following a fabulous vacation to Cancun that I will post about shortly!), I heard this little blurb on NPR:

Don't get me wrong, I have great friends. I have friends who patiently watch time and time again as I run away from them mid-sentence to chase random, adorable puppies. And they listen to my entire "woe is me, why can't my lifestyle support a dog" soliloquy that I'm sure they heard 100 times before. But sober me appreciates that this pet shop refuses to sell puppies to drunk people--all of the solid advice from my great friends would most certainly fly out the window if I ran into a little, tail-wagging Tom Collins on the way home from the bars!

Anywayyy, I thought I would dedicate today's post to my best (four-legged) friend, Louis Bojangles.

He is my family's 10 year old golden retriever; I get to see him tomorrow and I'm so excited! Bo loves my mom best, but I like to think I'm a close second. When he was a puppy, my sister and I would put him on the floor in between us and say "come to the one you love most!" Ever the diplomat, he would alternate who he snuggled first before waddling over to the next sibling.

Dogs make me so happy, I really can't wait until I can take care of one on my own. My aforementioned friends remind me that it's a lot of work, "almost like having a child", blah, blah. Very true. But I'd like to think a dog would help me get through law school and pass the bar without having a nervous breakdown.

We'll see. Of late I've really become enamored with Shetland Sheepdogs--so smart and their medium size would maybe be ok for life in a big city? In any case, I hope my future dog loves ice as much as Bo does!